Protective equipment is a crucial component of injury prevention in sports. That said, even the best gear is ineffective when fit is improper. It is important to understand and follow proper fit guidelines for all styles of equipment. Equipment should be utilized in the way that it was designed to gain the full protective effects. This includes helmets, pads, mouth guards, protective eye wear etc. During the spring take some time to look over any existing equipment and review best fitting guidelines for your athletes. Many injuries can help to be prevented simply by having the proper fit for equipment worn during practices and games including:
Acute Injuries
Wear appropriate and correctly fitted equipment
Wear additional protective equipment (ankle braces) correctly
Wear appropriately fitting gear including gloves, shoes, socks, and padding
Use properly fitted and well maintained equipment (head gear, mouth guard, sports specific equipment should be used by athletes)
Have your athletes sized for the right size helmets prior to the sportsseason and make adjustments as needed to maintain correct fitting
Mouth Injuries
When fitted and worn properly, mouth guards can help prevent dental injuries
Overuse Injuries
Equipment problems can be a factor for overuse injuries (not maintained, fitted correctly, used correctly)