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What Leadership Looks Like

Ever wonder what your players think about leadership? Here is an idea that coaches have used to learn.

Most teams vote for permanent team captains at some point in a season. When players vote for captain, have them write WHY they are voting for that teammates or teammates. It leads to some deeper thought about their vote, and is also a good indication to the coaches as to what players really value in a leader.

It is also can be a good idea to take some of these responses and send them to the parents of the players that were voted for. It gives them a look at what their son’s teammates think about him and may give the parents a different look at their child who is growing into a man.

Here is a list of responses from some team members as to why they selected an individual for their vote as captain. It gives coaches a great look at what leadership looks like on most football teams.

  1. “He never backs down from a challenge. He doesn’t say much, but every time I look over during a game or practice he is giving it his all.”

  2. “Coming into the year, a lot of people had doubts about his ability to play and to lead our team. He let none of that bother him and put all those doubts to rest.”

  3. “He has never given up on this team or any of his teammates. During some very, very, hard times, he has stayed more committed than anyone else on our team. He does all the hard things, cuts no corners and expects the same of his teammates.”

  4. “He encourages me everyday and has always believed in me, even when others have not. Sometimes when I am having a bad day, he will take me aside and tell me he believes in me and that I can do anything I set my mind to.”

  5. “He helps me when I get confused. instead of getting on me or getting mad when I mess up he instills confidence in me.”

  6. “He is always lifting people up at practice, and is always happy to give anyone a ride home.”

  7. “I have never heard him complain about practice or complain at practice. He is always eager to learn.”

  8. “He has really helped our team this year. He has had to play a lot of different positions and has done his best at all of them-he tries at everything he does.”

  9. “He is always vocal, yelling and energetic. He can be over the top a little bit at times, but he is just trying to get everyone to be the best they can be.”

  10. “When I miss up a play he always says ‘just keep playing’.

  11. “No matter what happens, he shakes it off and plays the next play. He is here everyday and has his mind, heart and body here and everyone knows it.”

  12. “He is an enthusiastic person and although he is a younger player, cares for the well being of the entire team.”

  13. “He is always intense, encourages the younger players and has this great passion for our team. The team is really important to him.”

  14. “He plays the game with a lot of heart and a lot of fire. His voice is always in my ear.”

  15. “He come to the huddle with the same mentality every time-we are going to score!”

  16. “He helps us at every practice by being a part of the scout team and giving great effort every week.”

  17. “When I first transferred to this school as a ninth grader and knew no one, he greeted me. He taught me the ropes about the school and the team, offered me a ride home. He would walk past me at school and always say something to me.”

  18. “He embodies the toughness and grit required of a high school football player.”

  19. “When we are behind in a game, he always has “comeback” in his mind. He strives to be the foundation of our team.”

  20. “When I take a play off, he is always there to tell me to get my butt up and give 100%. He has always been loyal to our team.

  21. “You can always count on him to do the right thing. In a time of crisis, he will uplift the team. He does not fear anything about the game.

  22. “He shows up at practice everyday with the same attitude. He brings positive energy to us whether it is a practice or workout.”


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