Here is some of the latest concerning the ALFCA and high school football in Alabama.

1) Expect all of the special Covid rules from 2020 to be eliminated when the AHSAA Central Board meets on Wednesday. For those coaches that thought being able to go down to the 10 yard line might be permanent will be disappointed. If local, county or city protocols are still in place when the season starts, they will need to be followed. But otherwise the AHSAA intends to go back to pre Covid football.
2) The Summer Conference of the AHSAA was a success. Attendance was excellent and officials were pleased with the crowd for the football clinic, especially for new Auburn coach Bryan Harsin, who kicked off the clinic Wednesday morning.
3) Some state legislatures have gotten more and more involved in high school athletics over the past decade. The North Carolina High School Athletic Association has some political problems that threaten to overhaul high school athletics in the Tar Heel state. A bill proposed last week would eliminate the NCHSAA and replace it with a 17 member commission, composed of superintendents, principals, athletic directors or certain coaches. At issue is the amount of money the association has while some public schools are struggling to survive financially. It could be setting a dangerous precedent. Will legislatures in other states decide they don't like rules, finances, etc. and look to take over high school athletics? You might want to keep up with this one.
4) On that note, football coaches involved in the leadership of the AHSAA as well as the ALFCA believe that high school football in our state could be in for some battles in the coming days. One long time football coach said last week that he believed that "the number of members of the ALFCA speaks loudly in political circles. Coaches are going to need to step up and get vocal and every coach in our state needs to join the ALFCA".
5) Expect the ALFCA Convention to be back in 2022. The dates are set for Thursday, January 27th and Friday, January 28th. The Coach of the Year Banquet is still set for Saturday, January 29th at 11:00 AM.
6) Reminder- Alabama state law required all coaches to undergo some kind of concussion training once per year.
7) Heat indexes are expected to hit triple digits in parts of the state this week. Be sure to know and practice your emergency plan, and have cool procedures in place. AHSAA Executive Director Alvin Briggs sent out an email yesterday covering heat practices as well as fall practice guidelines. IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THIS LETTER, PLEASE GO TO YOUR EMAIL AND READ. BE A PROFESSIONAL, KNOW THE RULES, BE PREPARED AND PROTECT YOUR PLAYERS!