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AHSAA Reminds Coaches About Players Equipment Issues

Expect officials to inspect players for knee pad requirements immediately.  This is a trend in college football and has filtered down to the high schools.  Coaches need to check their players to make sure that knee pads are worn and cover the knee properly.

September 27, 2017

To:                 Principals, Athletic Directors and Football Coaches

From:             Alvin Briggs, Director of AHSADCA

Mark Jones, Director of Officials

Subject:         Football Uniforms

The safety of our student athletes is always at the forefront of any sport and activity.  During the National Federation of State High Schools (NFHS) Mid-Season Football Tele-Conference, it was mentioned that there is a nationwide problem with players failing to properly cover their knees. We would like to make you aware of a notice being sent to all football officials this week reminding them to properly enforce uniform rules and to access the five yard penalty for failing to do so. Areas of concerns include the requirement to wear knee pads and that the pants cover the knee. In addition, make sure a player’s jersey covers all pads, specifically, the shoulder pads. Your assistance in checking your players to ensure their equipment meets all NFHS rules is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for all you do, and we wish you the best of luck the remainder of the season.

7325 Halcyon Summit Drive

Montgomery, AL 36117

Phone: 334-263-6994 Fax: 334-387-0075


Alabama Football Coaches Association

Established 2005

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