Since 2005, the Alabama Football Coaches Association has come into convention each year in January. Why is it important for you and your staff to attend?
To Socialize and Visit with Your Fellow Coaches– The ALFCA Convention is the high school football social event of the year. It is a great time to see old coaching friends and catch up. It is a great place to bring your staff and take them out to one of the downtown Montgomery restaurants or nightspots. Each year the ALFCA has a Thursday night social with free drinks and snacks. You will never have a 24 hour period where you can see this many of your fellow coaches in one place. There are always some of those salesmen you need to talk to that support the ALFCA outside the convention rooms. Call some of your buddies ahead of time and make plans to go eat somewhere during the convention.
Find out the latest high school football news affecting our state. Each Friday afternoon at the convention, a representative of the AHSAA comes and speaks to the convention about the latest happenings-good and bad- when it comes to high school football in Alabama. We then have a meeting of the ALFCA coaches present to discuss some of these topics. Our ALFCA board is always aware of these things, and these board members are at the convention for you to ask questions and share concerns, as well as our executive director Jack Wood. There is no reason for you to ever leave the convention without knowing the latest news and trends.
It is a chance for you to express your opinion. Whether you do it privately with a member of the board, our ALFCA president or executive director, or a staff member of the AHSAA, or at the main meeting on Friday afternoon, you will always have a chance to ask questions and give your opinion. We have had some pretty good discussions on Friday afternoon as a convention. We also break up into districts to talk about issues that might be affecting all of us, as well as to elect new representation on the board. You have multiple opportunities to express your thoughts and opinions.
You can clinic with your fellow coaches– Want to ask that one coach about that stunt or option play he is running? Sit him down and get him to draw it up. Find that old coach that has won all those games and ask him a few questions. There is no better place to do that than the ALFCA convention.
The Speakers– The ALFCA tries to give you a wide variety of speakers, including some of the biggest coaching names in the business. There are always some excellent high school speakers on the agenda. You will always take something back with you to help your team.
Attend this year’s ALFCA Convention, starting Thursday January 23rd at 5:30 PM.