Athens linebacker coach and strength coach Sam Graham is in need of some help from his fellow Alabama football coaches. Sam was diagnosed in 2010 with multiple sclerosis. He has fought a very courageous battle according to his best friend and former UNA teammate Cody Gross, the head coach at Athens. In the coming days, Coach Graham will under go a new treatment that he and his family hope will slow the progression of the disease and possibly restore some of his health. Insurance has approved the treatment, but it is not clear at this time if it will cover all of the costs. Coach Graham is in need of some renovations to his house to help make it more accessible for him. This will include a master suite that is 100% handicap accessible, a walk in shower, carport, ramp and laundry area. Doors will be widened throughout his home.
Coach Gross is heading up fundraising efforts to make these things become a reality in the Graham home. To support this effort, we need the high school football coaching fraternity to get behind Sam Graham. Go to and donate. (TPW = Tough People Win). The website will keep everyone updated, and those who donate can write a message to Coach Graham.
Over 40% of the $50,000 goal has already been achieved. The ALFCA is asking its coaches to get behind this fund raising effort and help complete this effort on behalf of the Graham family.