The executive board of the Alabama Football Coaches Association met on Friday, January 29th with Executive Director Jack Wood and President Terry Curtis. Present at the meeting were Vice President Jere Adcock of Decatur, 2nd Vice President Laron White of Sparkman, assistant to the director Jennifer Byrd, Andro Williams of District 1, Ben Blackmon of Spanish Fort (District 1), Trent Taylor of Andalusia (District 2), Jimmy Perry of St. James (District 3), Erik Speakman of Opelika (District 4), Steve Smith of Piedmont (District 6), Brett Mask of Colbert County (District 7), Bob Godsey of Madison Academy (District 8) and Scott Goolsby, assistant coach of Auburn High School representing District 4. Also present was new board member, Adam Gilbert, assistant coach at Pisgah, representing District 8.
Coach Wood thanked everyone for their efforts to make the virtual clinic a reality, so that we could give something back to our members. The clinic being free to ALFCA members was not meant to take the place of the convention, but was a good alternative under the Covid world in which we live. He thanked the board members that were participating with presentations and those that had helped secure other speakers. The clinic was to start at 2:00 PM that afternoon.
Coach Wood then introduced Mikel Riggs who was in charge of the technology of the clinic itself. Mikel explained how everything would work, and how we would handle two rooms operating at one time. He answered a few questions and assured everyone that we might have a few minor issues but they could expect the clinic to go pretty smoothly.
Coach Wood then updated the sponsor list. Amazingly, the vast majority of our sponsors had stayed with us and were paid to date during the last year. He praised the commitment of those sponsors. He also said that Schutt was again giving helmet grants to Alabama schools.
He then led a discussion of the banquet which would be held the next day at the Embassy Suites. He talked about the changes in the banquet and the presenters and recipients that would be present or absent due to Covid issues. Coach Wood was excited about the video presentations for the lifetime achievement winners that had been created by Mikel Riggs and expressed he really thought it would be an upgrade for these important awards.
Coach Wood then turned the floor over to Terry Curtis, ALFCA president. Coach Curtis talked about issue that was discussed in the AHSAA Football Committee meeting held a few days before. The Covid world has led to some different discussions. One of the major topics was whether or not to conduct spring training and alternatives to not having practice in the spring. Coach Curtis also stated that there was a push to start Flag Football for girls in the fall, as Florida and some other states were already playing. He also expressed concern about some of the latest head coaching hires in Alabama going to college and out of state coaches. There was discussion about what the ALFCA might could do to help promote our coaches in Alabama for these jobs.
With that Coach Wood took a motion to close the meeting.