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AHSAA Film Exchange Policy for the Playoffs

Film Exchange

● Open Exchange

○ Teams have the option of taking part in the open film exchange. In order to take part in the open exchange, teams should upload their last 3 regular season games. All playoff game film should be uploaded to the exchange the night of the game.

○ The open exchange will keep teams from having to wait on the opposing school to send video

○ Teams must upload 1 angle (Sideline wide). Teams are free to exchange more games through

Regular exchanges

○ Information about the open exchange can be found at _AHSAA Video Pool Letter.docx

○ The open exchange should be ready by Thursday (10/28/2021)

● Regular Exchange

○ Teams must exchange their last two game videos but may exchange additional video and angles by mutual agreement. Both Schools may agree to exchange videos electronically or by any other means. This exchange should take place prior to that week’s playoff meeting

DRAFT - State Association Video Exchange Communication

October 18, 2021

To: Athletic Directors and Head Football Coaches


Subject: Hudl Exchange Pool

Hudl and the AHSAA have created a pilot video exchange program for the 2021 State Playoffs.

As a part of the pilot, all member schools that qualify for the 2021 AHSAA Football State Championships will have the option to upload game video from all contests played, Round 1 through the Championships, using the new Hudl Exchange Pool.

Teams will upload game film each week and in turn 'unlock' access to all film that has been added to their classification pool and can be immediately added to the team's library.

The Hudl Exchange Pool creates the opportunity to share and view film equitably throughout their classification and will provide a training and education resource for use by AHSAA staff and local officials associations around the state. In addition to the Hudl Exchange Pool, teams can also exchange video directly with each other.

Hudl has created a tutorial that walks you through how to add film to the pool as well as pull film to add to your library. You can find the tutorial at the link below:

Hudl also has a support team willing to assist you with any Hudl, Hudl Sideline, Hudl Focus, or the other Hudl products you may be using. Find support information at

Good luck to all teams moving forward.

Below are some frequently asked questions with answers.

Q: Is audio included on film uploaded to the Exchange Pool?

A: Yes, if there is audio on the original film it will be included.

Q: Can teams be in more than one Exchange Pool at a time?

A: No

Q: What angle of film should be uploaded to the exchange

A: Sideline View, Wide Angle

Q: When date/time do teams have to upload film by

A: Teams have until Midnight on Wednesday of game week to upload film and gain access to the

pool. The pool will automatically lock at midnight on Friday for the next week.


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