The NFHS has allowed the state of Alabama to run a pilot program for instant replay in high school football. Here is a sampling of what coaches in the state have had to say about the new rule.
Steve Mask, St. Paul’s- “I think it’s good. I am concerned about having two different video systems with most of us having Hudl already. But in the long run it will benefit the officials to remove their concerns about calls that could have been corrected to make the game better.”
Paul Benefield, Fyffe- “I don’t think it will affect small schools like us very much. I not sure we could get enough cameras to cover everything. I’m just too old school to understand all of those technical issues.”
Fred Riley, Davidson- “I like it. The officials association endorsed it and that was my reason for supporting it. I was on the committee that finalized approval from our coaches association. Everyone now has some type of replay even if it is on their phones. That’s very tough on the officials. I think the goal is to overturn the obvious mistakes that can be reviewed that impact outcomes. I do not see challenge flags flying all over the place. Our officials do not miss many of those.”
Pate Harrison, Elba- “I think it is a great idea and can be a useful tool. Everything you do these days is recorded, so why not use the technology to get it right. With as much as the kids and coaches put in to it if we have the capability to get a call right we should do it.”
Don Jacobs, Scottsboro- “I probably have more questions than answers. The big school will get it for sure, but I don’t know about the small schools. I not sure why we are only allowed to use one company and I am concerned that some officials might not throw a flag because they are afraid of being reversed.”
Bryan Moore, Jasper- “Instant replay has certainly been beneficial to the pro and college game and now it can help us. All you want as a coach is for the call to be a correct one and this will move us in that direction.”
Phil Lazenby, Bayside Academy- “I have coached 42 years without instant replay and think it is just not necessary. But the first time there is a controversial call I am sure I will wish we had it.”
Andro Williams, W.S. Neal- “I think instant replay is going to be great in assisting the officials with those questionable calls. I wonder where Hudl stands in all of this because having to get both programs will be quite an expense. I like the set up and the idea for the AHSAA to pull the trigger for getting this started for the state.
Scott Rials, Luverne- “If replay helps get the calls right and is beneficial to our game, I am all for it. Once we figure out ways to pay for our equipment it will enhance our game and possibly insure game changing calls to be correct. I hope that it doesn’t slow the game down too much.”
Ryan Lolley, Gordo- “I think instant replay will be a great tool for our officials to use in our state. I can personally think of plays in the past that have changed games for my teams both good and bad. I know there are some concerns about funding the equipment, and I am sure there will be some trial and error for all of us.”
Brandon Wilcox, Montevallo- “It is a move in the right direction. Coaches, players and fans all want the correct calls to be made during the game. I think it will be difficult for most small schools to not only afford, but also to officiate due to the limited amount of camera footage and angles. Where I could see it becoming a big resource is during televised games including Super 7.”
Danny Powell, Jackson- “I like the idea for championship games but I’m not sure about regular season games due to the inconsistency of different systems.”
Keith Etheredge, T.R. Miller- “Two questions pop into my mind. What will the cost be and will it slow the game down? I know this is just a pilot program and I think it is a good thing that each school has the option to participate or opt out. I really think that instant replay could help high school football in many ways, and I know that the AHSAA wants to provide officials the tool to get those close calls right.”
Jason Massey, Leroy- “I think it is a good rule but only large classification schools or schools with big budgets will be able to afford the equipment to use it. I believe most smaller schools will only experience instant replay during the Super 7 where there is multiple cameras and equipment in place.”