Of all of the companies in the team sports business today, Hibbett Team Sales still prides itself in many of the old values of the industry- quality products, fair pricing and customer service. Hibbett’s partnership with the ALFCA continues to strengthen each year and according to Vice President of Team Sales Frank Powell, the reason is simple. “We want to support those who support us,” he said.
The team sales division has always believed in the relationship between the company and its customers, primarily coaches. “Relationships are really important in our business. Our relationships are built on customer service,” said Powell. The state of Alabama is important to the company where they have salesmen covering the entire state. Hibbetts also has limited coverage in Georgia, Mississippi and the Florida panhandle. Several of these salesmen have been with the company for years, and are trusted by the coaches that they serve.
One part of that traditional customer service that many coaches love are the annual Hibbetts Football Shows. Powell said that many companies had gotten away from these shows, but Hibbetts still believes strongly in theses traditional shows because of the advantages to the coaches. “We are able to offer very competitive prices at the shows, including some great values on select close out items,” he said. Hibbetts is also able to offer the attractive discounts on uniforms and other clothing because the orders are made so early in the process. “Many of our coaches like doing their inventories right after the season ends,” Powell said. “These shows allow them to get much of their ordering done before Christmas break. It’s one more thing off of their plate so they can enjoy their time off during the holidays.”
The Hibbetts Football Shows will be held this year in Birmingham on Monday, November 27th through Wednesday, November 29th; in Troy on Monday December 4th; and in Mobile on Sunday, December 10th through Wednesday, December 13th. As usual, salesman will be informing coaches about the shows, and flyers with dates, times and places will be mailed out to the schools a few weeks in advance. “We love the shows and believe in them,” said Powell. “It allows those of us that work at the main team store in Birmingham to get out and see our coaches.”
The Alabama Football Coaches Association hopes that its members will strongly consider Hibbetts Team Sales when it comes to their school’s equipment needs. “We are extremely proud to be a part of the ALFCA,” Powell said. “That relationship is important to us and has been a great benefit to our company.”